rulebook: Aventurische Magie 3 (animal companion, bestiary, magelessons, entity creation, demon pact, status)

Issue #284 on hold
Nando Neck created an issue

The following content is contained in the regional book:

Type number pages
magical traditions ✅ 11 13,22,31,38,44
spellgroups ✅ 9 13,22,31,44
animistpatrongroups ✅ 4 14
animistpatrons ✅ 47 14-15
spells animistpowers ✅ 15 15-18
enchantmentgroups ✅ 8 18,25,28,33,38,40,42,48
enchantments animistweapons ✅ 12 18-21
meleeweapons ✅ 8 19,25,28
spells controlrituals ✅ 7 23-24
enchantments dagger ✅ 14 25-27
enchantments sickle ✅ 12 28-29
spells geoderituals ✅ 2 32
animal companion + element 6 33
animal companion tricks 2+ 33
spab magical ✅ 12 33,110-112
disadvantage ✅ 2 33,208
enchantments ring ✅ 19 34-37
enchantments staff ✅ 11 38-40
enchantments spellsword ✅ 4 40,42
enchantments mageorb ⚠ (Kopierter Kugelzauber) 4 42
spells zibiljarituals ✅ 15 44-48
enchantments chroniclespells ✅ 12 48-50
poisons ✅ 3 49,95,213
bestiary 41 49,88,212-229
animal combat manouvre 1 49
academyguidelines ✅ 6 53
magelessons ⚠ (it’s in the professions but not usable/evaluated) 38 54-57
entity improvements (chimäre,daimonid,golem,undead) 6 58
skills (loyalty) 1 59
entity skills 16 60-61
demon pact 2 73
status 1 75
demon sign (disadvantage?) ? 76-77
spells rituals ✅ 15+24 79,140-144
chant ceremony ✅ 1 79
demons 15 80-81
pact presents 92 81-100
spab praegung ✅ 13 101-104
focusrules 4 70,1112-00,104,123
spab spellstyle ✅ 32 112-117
spab magical extended ✅ 15 117-118
spells cantrips ✅ 24 123-126
spells ✅ 39+26 126-139
professiongroups ✅ 3 154,160,165
professions ✅ 33 154-187
archetype ✅ 8 190-205
advantage ⚠ (Blutzauberer, Demon pact) 5 207-208
tradesecret ✅ 1 230
cultures ✅ 3 230-233
commonnames ✅ 3 231-233

Bonusmaterial und Korrekturen zu Aventurische Magie 3

Type number pages
enchantments animistweapons ✅ 1 4
enchantments ring ✅ 1 4
enchantments staff ✅ 1 4
enchantments chroniclespells ✅ 1 5
spab-spellstyles ✅ 4 5,13
spab magical ✅ 1 5
patron ✅ 1 6
pact presents 3 6-7
advantage 1 7
spells cantrips ✅ 9 7-8
spells ✅ 39 9-10
spells rituals ✅ 16 10
magical traditions ✅ 1 11
professions ✅ 35 11-12,29-42
cultures ✅ 3 13
commonnames ✅ 3 14
bestiary 20 14-26
spab animal combat manouvre 2 15
diseases ✅ 1 16
tradesecret ✅ 1 16
status 3 16
poison ✅ 1 17
magelessons ⚠ (it’s in the professions but not usable/evaluated) 28 27-28
archetype ✅ 8 43-46

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