rulebook: Hauer & Schwarzer Pelz - Orks (gods, wesenszüge, status, special weapon rules, bestiary)

Issue #327 on hold
Bernhard Jung repo owner created an issue

The following content is contained in the rulebook:

Type number pages
gods ✅ 12 14-15
species ⚠ (sizes and weights need to be checked, haircolor needs to be displayed as furcolor for Orks) 3 17-19
cultures ⚠ (Räuberbande needs to be some special option/overlay/checkbox, because it inherits a lot from some actual culture) 3 20-24
common names ✅ 2 21,23
professions ⚠ (species prerequisite) 5 25-29
professiongroups ✅ 1 27
advantages ⚠ (Biss - ap cost) 3 30
disadvantages ✅ 2 30
spab general ✅ 1 31
spab fightingstyle ✅ 3 31
spab combat extended ✅ 5 32
spab karma ✅ 1 33
wesenszüge 20 34-36
magical tradition ✅ 3 37,43
animist patrons ✅ 7 37
spellgroup ✅ 1 38
spells animist powers ✅ 7 38-39
enchantments animistweapon ✅ 15 39-42
special weapon rules for species 2 52
weapons ✅ 9 40,46,54
equipment ✅ 12 41,54
blessed traditions ✅ 2 44-45
chant aspects ✅ 4 44-45
status 2 45,46
spab zeremonialgegenstand ✅ 6 46-47
chants ✅ 13 47-50
chants ceremonies ✅ 3 51
equipment package ✅ 1 54
armor ✅ 2 54
bestiary 14 55-64
spab animal combat manouvre 3 56,57,61

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