rulebook: Donnerwacht Kampagne (bestiary status)

Issue #329 on hold
Nando Neck created an issue

The following content is contained in Donnerwacht 1 - Zeichen der Macht:

Type number pages
bestiary 1 16
spells rituals ✅ 2 61.64
spells cantrips ✅ 1 63
spells ✅ 3 63-64

The following content is contained in Donnerwacht 2 - Bündnis der Wacht:

Type number pages
spells rituals ✅ 1 9
bestiary 7 23,25,35-36,50-52
spab animal combat manouvre 4 25,36,50
chants ⚠ (Herbeirufung von Tairachs Dienern (Nebelkrähen)) 4 49-51,63
spab zeremonialgegenstand ✅ 1 51,62
status 1 62
spells ✅ 2 62-63
spells animist powers ✅ 2 62-63
spab karma ✅ 1 63
chants ceremonies ✅ 2 64

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