Achaz: all parameters of species should be available for speciesraces

Issue #354 new
Nando Neck created an issue

For Achaz we have for the speciesraces different kind of attributemaximums and also (dis-)advantages

Some of the parameters of species can be used for speciesraces to do some modifications for a subspecies, some of them not.

To define species and speciesraces good, all parameters needs to be taken in account for both classes, while speciesraces values should overwrite those from species

Comments (4)

  1. Nando Neck reporter

    this is some crazy construct… it is based on similarities for different races. e.g.:

    species is human, with some general values that apply for all of them (basevalues, attributemaxima on creation, …)

    speciesraces on the other hand are specific types of humans, so “Mittelreicher“, they have different values for their hair- and eye-color and much more

    In general we should have something like inheritance for this. that there is just one species-rulelement and it can have all values, and some subspecies, have some parent-parameter and like this we can inherit from the parent tha base-values und the child could add their specific values that marks them different.

    for this we would need some kind of reprogramming, but here in this ticket I just need some parameters to work for the rulelement speciesraces which is not implemented yet

  2. Xaver Stiensmeier

    Okay so race defines the hard rule values like attributmaxima base-LeP and so on and speciesrace defines the soft rules like common skills, hair color and so on. Got it.

    My first thought is that this doesn’t need inheritance, but is just something completely different.

  3. Nando Neck reporter

    but what is hard and what it soft is different based on new races released, that’s why the current implementation is not workig for the achaz

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