Section 3 - parameter name conflict with Proof-of-Posession.

Issue #9 wontfix
Nat Sakimura repo owner created an issue

In section 3, it is stated that

... the Authorization Request Object SHOULD contain the Claims "iss" (issuer) and "aud" (audience) as members ...'

However, that will produce a parameter name conflict with the "aud" parameter from OAuth 2.0 Proof-of-Possession: Authorization Server to Client Key Distribution.

Seems like draft-ietf-oauth-pop-key-distribution will need to change its parameter name (aud in JWT is pretty well established). And shouldn't draft-ietf-oauth-jwsreq register some of the JWT's Registered Claim Names (at least iss and aud but maybe exp and others) as authorization request OAuth parameters?

(Brian Campbell)

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