RAM info off the chart

Issue #5 invalid
Former user created an issue

When comparing RAM usage from SailTime with htop, the SailTime bar feels off the chart. After reboot htop says ~30 usage with both apps running while SailTime suggests ~70% usage. Hope this helps in any way.

Comments (1)

  1. Mikko Ahlroth repo owner

    This is expected. The memory usage as reported by sys/sysinfo.h includes all OS buffers and cache. Linux (and therefore Sailfish) optimizes memory usage by using almost all available memory for caches to speed up operations.

    Htop on the other hand uses different sources of information and attempts to give a more relevant view of the memory usage in the system. The memory usage bar in htop does include cached memory (usually as blue) which fills almost the whole bar.

    As the main focus of SailTime is to display system uptime, I don't feel it is necessary to fix the memory usage bar to not include cached memory. The memory usages are only shown because they are received "for free" in the same struct as uptime data.

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