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Tiny Text Worlds (TTW)

Tiny Text Worlds is a javascript/HTML text adventure engine written in Haxe. It can be used without any knowledge of Haxe as worlds are made using a single XML file. To run the examples or start writing your own following the instructions in Getting Started below.

The demos in the bin folder are also hosted here:

Getting Started

Run the examples

Copy the contents of the bin folder to a server/local server.

Open one of the example HTML files in your browser.

Make your own Tiny Text World

To make your own world open the tutorialWorld.xml in a text editor, then save it with a new name.

Change the fileName var in the following script tag of the index.html file in the bin directory to the name of your new story:

<script type="text/javascript">
    <!-- Set the location of the xml file for this story -->
    var fileName="tutorialWorld.xml";
Then take a look at Scripting below.


World XML Overview

Compile From source

Intall haxe from here:

Install msignal (a haxe signals library) from haxelib in terminal/command line

haxelib install msignal

Then compile in terminal / command line

haxe build.hxml
