Alien Comet Tail

Issue #31 resolved
unique.ek repo owner created an issue

Alien Comet tail does not look correct on different angles.

Comments (11)

  1. Oğuz Turan BURUK

    It only does it in Perspective Camera. Ortographic camera works well. As far as I know we need to choose one. If it look good on perspective it is corrupted on ortho. We need it to be good in ortho and it is good in ortho!

  2. unique.ek reporter

    It does look the same in game too while the camera rotates. Not as bad as MainMenu but still they face towards the wrong direction.

  3. Oğuz Turan BURUK

    I'll check it but while designing it I spent most of my time to make it look right. I believe this is the best it can get. And to me, they are facing the right rotation..

  4. unique.ek reporter

    Red arrows indicate where they face towards. They do always towards upwards regardless of comets rotation.

    They should face towards the back of them comets direction. As it is coming out of comet, they should have same forward and roation as comet.

    Green arrows indicate expected result.


  5. unique.ek reporter

    I have experimented with it a bit and found some usefull things that might help.

    • Setting coordinates to local helps maintaining rotation.
    • Setting rotation of the tailNormal as same as InnerComet helps. ( I will push a script that does that. You can put it on to tailNormal for testing.)
    • Using Mesh 1x1 plane instead of billboarding helps preventing stretching etc.

    Script can be found on 3de5359 Commit. Name ReplicateInnerCometRotation.cs

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