SonicWave and NoHurry Activation Problem

Issue #34 invalid
Oğuz Turan BURUK created an issue

Build: Unity 4.3

After buying these two, you can activate both for the first time. But when you try for the second time you will see that it is not working!

Comments (4)

  1. unique.ek repo owner

    Btw tests should be made on 4.2 builds. Since i do not have access to 4.3 so can not support it currently.

  2. Oğuz Turan BURUK reporter

    By this we can understand what is different in 4.3. Nothing seems specific every time I tried this happens.

  3. unique.ek repo owner

    Hmm can you write down the following things than;

    1. Tutorial State :
    2. Levels of Perks :
    3. Any other One Shot bought together :
    4. Is Head Start used :

    I will test with those options too if i can not replicate it again. I think we call it a 4.3 bug.

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