Visual And Translation Issues Vol. 3

Issue #68 resolved
unique.ek repo owner created an issue

2014-05-22 05.40.29 - Turkish chars. missing for some names and usage of capital "İ". 2014-05-22 05.35.04 - Turkish text is too long. 2014-05-22 05.34.47 - Turkish magnetos text is too long.

Comments (8)

  1. unique.ek reporter

    It should say 60 30 minutes instead of 1800 minutes. Texts should be updated as not dynamic but with static values. In short terms we should use 30etc instead of {0} for this objective.

  2. Oğuz Turan BURUK

    Saygı is corrected Social Icon is yours 30 minutes 60 minutes does not have additional description field yet. You need to add them. All of them has one description field in excel All english texts have I in dynamic assets. Golden Rich is corrected

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