Optimizing Stardust Acquiring

Issue #87 resolved
Oğuz Turan BURUK created an issue
  • Moon density: Reduce by %50
  • Galactic Stardust: Make it 10
  • Spawn Chances of Galactic: %5 - %10 - %15 but only from Rich Planets
  • Perk Density: This may be arranged according to distance. I would expect to get max 2 perks in a distance which is covered by first nebula.

Possibility of Perk Combo should be something rare!

Comments (4)

  1. unique.ek repo owner

    for Perk Density i think it is better to increase "Score Pickup" chance and generally lower other chances in the same percentage.

  2. unique.ek repo owner

    I am not sure if we should make Rage rare. It has advantages as well as disadvantages. You get very high combo but usually you have a very low accumulated score due destroying planets very fast without draining much. I haven't really seen a case i got better score using Rage than just finishing "Meteor Shower".

    Overally reducing Perk Spawn chance will already make those perks not as often as before. I am not sure if we should make one perk more rare than others. Except for the "Score Pickup" which is not a perk.

    As an addition to solutions you have provided; * Make Yellow and Blue Rich Planets drop half white and half respective color stardust's. For example; Yellow planet would give 1 golden stardust. After 1 white stardust. After that another yellow.

  3. Oğuz Turan BURUK reporter

    I did not test it with level 5 yet but it gets really a reasaonable time until unlocking all perks' 5th levels. So it seems ok now for me. If it get too much easier after unlocking all level 5s to buy customizations we may increase the price of customizations.

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