Mini timer flash

Issue #7 new
Former user created an issue

The bugs started recently and when launch time comes it goes like this

Red yellow -2 sec before

yellow green - 1 sec before

green -on time

Due to "yellow green - 1 sec before " their is a problem in timing attacks as we launch at green which is 1 sec before :|

Please solve this

Comments (4)

  1. darren jones

    Have the exact same problem just started a little while ago hopefully you can get a fix for this.

  2. Tobias Ka repo owner

    For me (using version this looks fine, next blink at 00:00 is green as expected:


    Using this options:


    Can someone provide Screenshots with the wrong behavior and related settings?

  3. T0BlAS

    Ich habe das selbe Problem. Das tritt bei mir aber nur auf, wenn ich im Mini Timer die ms über 800 einstelle. System: Windows 7 64bit

  4. Tobias Ka repo owner

    Guter Tipp. Der Timer blinkt immer ein paar ms (200?) vor der eigentlichen Zeit, um die Reaktionszeit auszugleichen, vielleicht gibt es in dem Zusammenhang einen Bug. Werde mir das nochmal genauer ansehen.

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