Ore Generation

Issue #17 new
Cyd007 created an issue

I want state before reporting this issue/bug that I understand that the ore generation system is a simple configuration to fill the need for people to generate ore in the world.

Anyways, it appears that minimum vein (minVeinSize) value is either not read or 1 is the minimum value that is the set value. Bellow is an example image using an Xray mod for demonstration.


The red circles are where you can see that it has not generated at less 3 ores as defined in the following configuration.

                "blockToSpawn": "customitems:fossil_ore",
                "blockToReplace": "minecraft:stone",
                "dimensionId": 0,
                "minVeinSize": 3,
                "maxVeinSize": 12,
                "chancesToSpawn": 15,
                "minY": 2,
                "maxY": 64

I checked a few of the circled areas where the ore generated and there is nothing present to prevent the ore generating in its surroundings. My thinking is that it could be tied to the attribute (chancesToSpawn) but I can not say since I am not familiar with java code.


As for a suggestion for this, having an attribute similar to ( eachExtraItemDropChance) only being something like eachExtraOreGen so the user can control the probability of how dense that ore cluster is.

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