Server and Client Sync

Issue #7 new
Marcelo Lopes Lotufo repo owner created an issue

Cyd007 suggested on old Github issue tracker that server and client configs synced or at least there was a better warning

Comments (4)

  1. Cyd007

    A better warning system about why the user could not join and list the required .json files.

    A sync or download system in game would be cool to have from a server so you don't have to go out of the game to download the .json files, much like the resourcepacks. I imagine this would be a long term idea to implement. This part is not necessary, but an idea.

  2. Marcelo Lopes Lotufo reporter

    That is already done and on version 1.0.9 The "remake" on customitems.cfg when it is true forces the mod to recreate the .json files that are inside the jar on a folder called "defaultConfigs". I need only to improve the code eff of this feature, because right now it is pretty slow

  3. Marcelo Lopes Lotufo reporter

    No need for apologies ^^

    I really made that for examples, but it can also be used for more things

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