Traded pokemon's 100% accuracy moves keep missing.

Issue #1899 new
FlordLord created an issue

So in the game i found and caught a magnemite and traded it for Delta Scyther. Now my Delta Scyther knows Low Sweep, False Swipe, Pursuit, and Ice ball.

I have been using low sweep or pursuit and missing. And this is the FIRST turn where their pokemon has NOT yet used any moves to increase their evasion or decrease my accuracy. And under the pokemon's moves it says both moves have 100 percent accuracy.

It's not every time, only occasionally. I can get screenshots if necessary.

Just discovered that this glitch pertains to ALL pokemon. Occasionally for no reason their 100 percent accuracy moves will miss when nothing has caused their accuracy to lower and the enemy pokemon has not used an evasion boosting move.

Comments (5)

  1. FlordLord reporter

    I thought about that, but then it happened in the wild as well, to a wide range of pokemon who shouldn't ALL be holding brightpowder... i mean it is possible.. but i thought the chances of that were pretty slim considering only three bug type pokemon can hold it in the regular games. I didn't think that the Insurgence folks would change things that much...

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