Many many battle bugs

Issue #1911 new
Bikestealer created an issue

I found many bugs that happen while battling, which is the most imortant part of the game and let me stuck a lot. 1.When i kill a pokemon it occurs that it doesnt die at 0 HP. It can still give me a hit before it dies. Just happens when i am faster. 2. Sometimes weather stays forever (More than 8 turns). 3. Some events are not in the right order. Solar power damage is at the beginning of a turn for example. 4. Magic Bounce doesnt bounce back rocks and sticky web. ( I assume same goes for spikes and toxic spikes)

Some not critical bugs: The house maps are not linked in the pokegear. the map starts in the upper left corner. Some texts are too long for the description box of attacks and items. You have to break up a evolution before you learn the attack at the same level. Should be the other way around.

Comments (5)

  1. Bikestealer reporter

    ALSO the mega evolution speed is used in first turn. Sorry but how am i supposed to use counter strategies in hard mode if the game does not allow it? Please fix it asap, its a good game but the battle bugs are very frustrating.

  2. Bikestealer reporter

    ALSO Toxic Orb usually doesnt affect in first turn/at the beginning of the turn. Counts to "not in the right order" bug.

  3. Stagdragon

    I got one. Phantom force is all in one turn. being that they vanish, then hit the opponent in the same turn/move.

  4. Brandon Johnson

    For Toxic Orb (and associated items), you will not be statused with "Toxic" poison until the end of the turn, thus taking no damage on turn 1. This is how it functions in the most recent version of ORAS. Proof is all those Triple battle Blissey trainers I fight for leveling. For your 2nd point, some abilities, like Drought for Sun, stay for the whole battle

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