Kepler town not always flooded properly

Issue #1990 new
Tomer Faerman created an issue

After the cut-scene when you exit the observatory and Audrey floods the city, I went to route 10 to catch something. then decided to fly back to Kepler town. when I arrived, the town wasn't flooded. immediately after that I went into the Pokemon center and exited it, to which the town was flooded again! seems that when you fly there the game loads the incorrect version of Kepler town. I'm afraid that if I fly there again after beating Anastasia and flying to Kepler town it might load a version of Kepler town where the hidden workshop is still blocked off, although you could always just enter and exit a house to stop the glitch. although i wonder what would happen if you tried entering a house during the glitch that is inaccessible when the town is flooded, and then exiting it.

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