Information on the map is displaced.

Issue #2128 new
D1ODER created an issue

Suze, the map seems so be displaced somehow, like you hover the square over a city and it doesn't show correctly the information. Sorry if it's not the place to report a bug but I just see it while playing. I'm on 1.2.2.

Comments (3)

  1. Wyatt Verchere

    not sure wtf that map is but its not the one we use in game. did you install a graphics pack or something?

  2. D1ODER reporter

    Fuck maybe that's why lol, because first i wanted the 3d sprites so I installled the whole pack, but then removed only the sprites because they were giving me trouble, so i guess is that, sorry for the inconvenience and the time lost :C

  3. D1ODER reporter

    a20c20501ba4f2a1fef2d5816fd36a36.png Yeah, I reinstalled the Graphics of the game and now the map is the new one, sorry again for this :D

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