Surfing on a bridge on Route 13

Issue #2182 new
RedJacketGames created an issue

bandicam 2017-08-17 07-23-04-200.jpg My current version (1.2.3) is not listed under versions at the time of writing this, so I left my version as blank and am providing this screenshot as proof of my version.

On Route 13, I am able to use the Instant Lapras to surf on any vertical bridges. Throughout my attempts are recreating this, I have noted that if I were to press the action button, it would prompt me to ride the Instant Lapras. The only times this would not happen were times in which I am facing upwards or trying to use the Instant Lapras on a horizontal bridge. I can also ride the Instant Lapras straight through the vertical bridges as if they were not there. If I ride into a horizontal bridge, it recognizes the bridge as land and forces me off of the Instant Lapras. I have not been able to surf on land or anything other than a vertical bridge using this bug. I have also recorded a short video (length being 1:09) of myself showing off this bug, which can be viewed here. I could not find any locations other than Route 13 that had this type of bridge, as every other location I checked had a bridge with a different look.

I apologize in advance if either the picture, video, or both were unsuccessfully linked to this report.

Comments (3)

  1. RedJacketGames reporter

    Those edits were me reformatting the link. I had a little difficulty understanding it lol

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