Game breaking glitch in Samsara Cave

Issue #2238 new
Nuclear12345 created an issue

At an area in Samsara Cave (don't know if it's multiple areas because it froze my game numerous times), when I used Heart Swap when there was a Manaphy statue to the right of me, blocked by a wall, the game froze and no means of closing could shut down the program. I tried closing the player, right clicking the window and clicking "close window", Alt+F4 and even Task Manager, but none of them would close. Because this was lagging my laptop since I tried to do it 3 times on different windows (on the same profile), I restarted my laptop and when I loaded up Insurgence, I got a few Windows errors but was still able to run the game, but still got them when I tried to load individual profiles. To my utter dismay, when I tried loading profile 3 (the profile with the glitch) it was corrupted, even though I saved beforehand. The image is the spot I was in. The music still played but the game was not closing and as I mentioned before, corrupted my save. I know that my save is gone, but I hope this can be fixed.

Comments (1)

  1. Nuclear12345 reporter

    Edit: This was in 1.2.3; when I tried to do that in 1.2 when the new cave was created, it didn't break the game, just told me that nothing happened.

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