Mechanics after turns when battling messed up

Issue #2560 new
Feutor created an issue

So basically I saw this video on YT ( where I wrote "Why is he regening hp when he was sent in after a pokemon died. That's not how leftovers turns work" in the comments which the author of the video confirmed by saying "a lot of battle mechanics dont work properly, like life orb still damages the user even if you do zero damage to the opponet". All that happened a month ago and now I actually play the game myself and within my first few hours I noticed the exact same problem with the move "Leech Seed". The way it usually works in the games is your oponent uses leech seed on you and your health gets saped at the end of each round. So if you were to defeat your oponents current pokemon, your HP won't get leeched and after that your oponent sends out the next pokemon. Though, this is where the game's bug appears. The leech seed turn activates after your oponent sends out the next mon, meaning that you don't avoid it. This all has to do with "turns" of these kinda battle mechanics which seem to be a bit messy in general, cause there are a lot more of these kinda things like poison damage, every other trapping move(wrap, sandstorm), etc. I'm not far enough in the game to test all of them but surely this isn't the only one, especially considering that little conversation with the guy who made that video. If anyone could confirm further things that seem "off" with the mechanics that occur after turns in battles, that'd be much appreciated. And to the people trying to fix these kinda things, I know pretty well about the mechanics of these kinda effects since I use Pokemon Showdown on a regular basis which is a professional pokemon battle simulator so if you got further question, please go ahead and ask me. So far digging this game btw.

Comments (2)

  1. Feutor reporter

    Another example I just found is the moody ability. He just sent out smeargle after I killed his previous smeargle and it activated his ability which isn't supposed to happen at all.

  2. Feutor reporter

    Another example I just found was a mon taking damage from sandstorm eventhough it was sent in after I beat one of his mons. It's not supposed to happen.

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