Crash while checking Pokemon summary

Issue #520 new
Former user created an issue

While checking the pokemon's moves in summary, if the pokemon has a move with a long description that requires you to scroll down in order to read it all, when you attempt to scroll down there isn't any texts writing in the next scroll, and just in the next microsecond game crashes with varying errors. This happens both when you try to read a move of a pokemon in your party, and when you try to read it in PC box.

I added two pictures below, first one shows the error when you check the move in your party, the second one shows the error you get when you attempt to check it in box:

1st one 2nd one

Comments (2)

  1. Rick Desilets

    Just encountered this on mine as well. Will try to recreate bug in the morning. Just adding that this also occurs if you try to scroll up in a Move description.

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