Mavenising the project

Issue #17 resolved
Yannis created an issue


first, thank you for the good work!

Can you please mavenise your project, or specify your project's dependencies into a pom.xml?

Currently, I want to build a GUI on top of your library but in order to execute my project successfully, I must clone your project and then import your project into my Eclipse and then add it into my build path.

I tried to use directly your .jar and your, but then I run into several ClassNotFound exceptions.

Thank for your effort!

Comments (5)

  1. Phillip repo owner

    Hey, would it be sufficient to just add a pom.xml to the project ? You'd still have to do a mvn clean install yourself to get it in your local repository.

    I could publish it to a public repo (nexus oss), but it would require some work and take me some extra time to complete it.

  2. Yannis reporter

    Not so sure. Also I am not very confident with Maven, so not so sure either if there will be any runtime conflict between your log4j version (1.2.16) and mine (2.1). But I believe that it is worth the effort.

  3. Phillip repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Let's start with just adding a pom.xml to the project and I'll see if I'll release it to a public repo later on. This way you'll still have to checkout j-exiftool and do a mvn clean install, but at least it gets you started ;) .

    I use slf4j to do the logging, so you can easily change from log4j1 to log4j2 using the Log4J2 SLF4J bridge: example .

  4. Phillip repo owner
    • pom.xml added and dependencies update to newest versions

    If you clone the j-exiftool repository and compile the code yourself (mvn clean install) you can use jexiftool in your project by adding it as a dependency:


    If you want a release version (non-SNAPSHOT), you can checkout the tag

    git checkout tags/v0.0.9

    and compile it

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