Error, (in gcd/LinZip)

Issue #11 resolved
Christoph Dlapa created an issue


lately, I get the following error quite often:

“Error, (in gcd/LinZip) variable in input expression must be in either the evaluate or retained variables”

Please see the three attached files: script, integrand and log

In this example, I rescaled some integrations from [0,1] to [0,infinity) manually. Interestingly, if I let hyperint do the rescaling, everything works fine, so the error somehow has to do with the integrand



Comments (3)

  1. Erik Panzer repo owner

    Dear Christoph,

    your expression ‘mplinput’ contains ‘x' as a variable, but at the same time also indexed versions ‘x[2]’, ‘x[3]’ etc. It seems that this is causing problems; apparently some Maple routine is thrown off by a polynomial that depends on indexed x’s and at the same time also non-indexed x as supposedly separate variables.

    If I change your definition of f4 to

    f4:=eval(factor(simplify(mplinput)),[x[2]=x2, x[3]=x3, x[4]=x4, x[5]=x5]):

    i.e. replacing the indexed x’s by independent names, the problem disappears. Does this resolve your issue?



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