NEW FEATURE - Hardware exposure readout timing

Issue #4 resolved
Paul Shears repo owner created an issue

Switch from software based exposure timing to hardware based exposure timing to enable sub 20ms exposures.

Comments (9)

  1. Paul Shears reporter

    Modified exposures of 1 second or less to be timed via the H/W based timer in the camera as opposed to timed by S/W. This facilitates exposures of 1ms or greater. User interface has been modified to permit minimum exposure time of 1ms which is the smallest permitted by the camera. Exposures of greater than 1 second are stilled timed by S/W such that periodic ping and cooler read-out, in addition to exposure progress bar update still occur. Exposures of less than 250ms on interlaced cameras are no longer at half resolution. Non-binned exposures less than 1 second on interlaced cameras will expose for the required time on the odd field and then the required time on the even field. Therefore the time to take the exposure is double, but the total exposure time for the whole sensor is as requested. This does not apply for binned exposures which complete in the exposure time period.

    Test build TEST-BUILD-161223 available to test functionality.

  2. Søren Sudsgaard

    Tested with : Ultrastar Colour FW 25.1 Windows driver version :

    Problems with 1s and lower exposures

    Progress bar dosent move, Changing to higher exposure does not work, eg 5s

    Closing and opening SLL does not work, dosent see camera,

    Solution : replug USB camera, and close all sessions of SLL in task maneger.

    Works fine with +1s exp's

  3. Brandon Jordan

    This build locks up both my SX-825 and Lodestar X2 but with all exposures. As Søren, I have to close all sessions of SLL and restart the camera.

  4. Paul Shears reporter

    Had a quick investigation today and this issue is specific to the windows build only. For some reason the device is not responding after the write request has been sent to perform the timed exposure. I am currently unsure why (as the protocol must be correct as it works on OSX...). This is with SX driver version

    Exposures over 1 second work fine (which are S/W timed). The thread which processes the camera interface locks up until the camera is disconnected. If after a fresh connection an exposure over 1 second is requested SL works fine on my test system. This only effects H/W timed exposures of 1 second or less.

  5. Paul Shears reporter

    I believe this is now fixed - the latest test build (170102) is available for download. Please let me know feedback.

  6. Brandon Jordan

    Hi Paul. I just downloaded test build 170102 and as it is a rainy night here, I just removed the guide scope from scope which has a mono Lodestar X2 attached and have it pointing out of a window at a distant porch light. I am very pleased to report that the 1ms to 1s exposures no longer cause SLL to lock up! Very nice!

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