In Python example Target is always X:0 Y:0 Z:0

Issue #11 resolved
Dr Kostas Konstantinou created an issue

Hi, Thank you for providing code examples on how to use GIQ.dll

In the result is always

ITM Easting: 0.0 
ITM Northing: 0.0 
Elevation: 0.0 
Vertical Datum: None 

regardless of input.

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Michell repo owner

    I have just tried the example and it is working fine:

    Conversion result...
    ITM Easting: 667124.2053427317
    ITM Northing: 694832.3682461008
    Elevation: 43.941580477110676
    Vertical Datum: Malin Head

    Are you sure you have all the right files in the folder with the script?

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