64bit version fails

Issue #16 resolved
David Wilbourn created an issue

I have been trying to use the 64bit version of GIQ.dll with the example Delphi app but I get a Range Check error when I try to load the DLL.

I have tried various versions of the DLL (101b, 101d, 101e) with the same results. The 32bit version with the same code (compiled as a 32bit app) works fine. I have tested it with Delphi 11 & XE3, in Windows 10 & 11.

Comments (3)

  1. Paul Michell repo owner

    I don’t have Delphi to test this with. Can you call the DLL from FreePascal 64bit? If you can replicate the problem with FPC I will be able to investigate it for you.

  2. David Wilbourn reporter

    I’ll have a look - but I have found that it does work when I use it in my main (commercial) app - in some circumstances. Trying to see what makes it work in one complex app but not in a simple one 😟

  3. David Wilbourn reporter

    Found it, simple error - as always. The 32 bit version of the DLL expects a cardinal for the DLLHandle. The 64bit version needs NativeUInt.

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