Access Violation in 64bit version

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I load a data set in giqtrans.exe or GridInQuestII.exe, an Access Violation is raised. This happens with the 64bit version under Windows 10 (64bit) Version 1607. The 32bit versions of the tools do not cause an exception and work as advertised.

Comments (3)

  1. Paul Nalos

    It would be helpful if you were willing to attach your settings and input data files (ITM2GPS.set and Parknabinna-Tombs.csv) so I and others could attempt to reproduce.

    While I am not the maintainer or author of this software, we do integrate the win64 Windows version of this library (along with three other platforms) into our product, and would want to participate if the crash was reproducible in the portion of the library we use.


    Paul Nalos Safe Software (

  2. Paul Michell repo owner

    Hello, I am the code maintainer, as Paul Nalos says, it would be helpful if you could upload a sample of the data which exhibits this fault so that I can replicate the problem here.

    Kind regards,

    Paul Michell

  3. Paul Michell repo owner

    I'm closing this as original poster has not submitted any test data to demonstrate the issue. Will re-open if supplied later?

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