Ping Management

Issue #10 resolved
CountryHam created an issue

We have always wanted a way to auto-boot high pingers. One such way is to set a high ping limit, such that if a players ping is greater than the limit for say, 10 seconds, the player sees a warning. After 20 seconds above the limit the player is kicked automatically. In this case, the ping limit, the warn time and the boot time would be user inputs. for example.

cmd_ping 400 10 20

where 400 is the ping limit, 10 is warn seconds, 20 is kick seconds.

The warning must be readable by all languages - so use math syntax, for ex.

ping > 400 = KICK!

This is only a suggestion - any type of ping management would be appreciated. Thanks again! CH

Comments (5)

  1. Phreeze repo owner

    This is now implemented and working in SEC2 Beta 5.

    e.g. (new section in ServerOptions.txt)



    ReservedPlayersCustomMessage=SERVER IS FULL!\n\nPlease try joining CheesyPoofs CTF server instead!











    PingKickCustomMessage=Please contact the exterminator because you must have squirrels chewing on your wires!\n\nYou exceeded the maximum ping for this server!

    Note: Beta 5 is currently in testing on MXT CTF Server and CheesyPoofs CTF Server. If no major issues are found, then it should be released either tomorrow or Sunday to all other SEC2 server admins. A future enhancement will be to be able to update any SEC2 server setting via SCMD in-game interface, and that will either come in Beta 5 as well, or in Beta 6.


  2. CountryHam reporter

    Oops - didn't login. I am very Impressed Phreeze - so glad to see this feature is possible!

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