User bans do not properly handle player names containing semi-colons

Issue #2 resolved
Phreeze repo owner created an issue

Player names containing semi-colon characters (;) are not handled properly.

They will display properly after the ban is first applied and until the server is shutdown, but on the following server restart, the saved ban will not be parsed properly when loaded from BanUserList.txt and the reference data (i.e. IP, reason, etc.) can be truncated.

e.g. Player Name = a;b;c;d;e;f;

After ban:

{{{ 0) [abcfca9b2f4e0b9b77e6d0ec8f06e17b;a;b;c;d;e;f;;;Banned by admin!] [*]

}}} After server restart:

{{{ 0) [abcfca9b2f4e0b9b77e6d0ec8f06e17b;a;b;c] [*]^ }}}

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