WIN32 - Lag, delay between actions and their results in SEC2 Beta 6.

Issue #27 invalid
Former user created an issue

Since installing Beta 6 (roughly 2 weeks ago) we have had some noticeable lag in our server. It is not freezing or rubberbanding, but rather there is a delay between actions and their results.

Picking up items like medkits experiences a noticeable delay, as well as throwing grenades, breaking glass windows, etc. Something is introducing a desync that persists throughout all gameplay.

I reinstalled my server from scratch today and had a friend test it, he said it was smooth as can be with no delay. After reinstalling SEC2 beta 6, he says there is already some degree of the described delay.

Submitted by Exhail

Comments (4)

  1. Phreeze repo owner

    A few questions:

    (1) Does this occur in Beta 4? (2) What are your server specs?

    Thanks, Phreeze

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