Problems with installation

Issue #15 closed
Yulia Fridman created an issue


I'm trying to run LythoGraphX on Lenovo Y50 laptop: i7, 15BG RAM, nVidia card and running win10.

I've installed LithoGraphX and Anaconda fallowing the instructions in the manual, but I'm still having problems with ruining the software - please check attached image for exact error message. I had it running on win8 with no problem but since I update to win10.... :(

Any help will be much appreciated. Yulia

Comments (7)

  1. Pierre Barbier de Reuille repo owner

    Hey Yulia,

    Did you install python on your path? A good way to test this is to open a command line windows (with "cmd") and type "python". If nothing happens, you need to add python to the path. If python is in the path or if you need help adding it to they path, please tell me.


  2. Yulia Fridman reporter

    Hi Pierre, Than you for the super fast response :)

    I've tested as you suggested, and it seems that python was installed in the path (cmd test worked). What now? LithographX is still unable to find it.


  3. Pierre Barbier de Reuille repo owner

    OK, and which version did you install? LithoGraphX requires python 2.7 in 64bits.

  4. Yulia Fridman reporter

    I've installed Anaconda3-4.1.1-Windows-x86_64

    Do you want me to try original python?

  5. Pierre Barbier de Reuille repo owner

    No, you should really have anaconda for python version 2 installed. You can have both installed at the same time if you want or need. It should be available from the main anaconda page.

  6. Yulia Fridman reporter

    It's working!

    Many thanks!

    Now I'll be able to bug you with 3D segmentation problems ;)

    Good night

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