Tissues and QC identification

Issue #9 closed
Yulia Fridman created an issue

Hello, I've successfully segmented my roots and now I want to assign tissues and QC location. Is there a pluging that can assist me with that? hank you in advance, Yluia

Comments (3)

  1. Pierre Barbier de Reuille repo owner

    Hey Yulia,

    if you want to assign tissue type, you can use the "parents" attribute on mesh labels in LithoGraphX. This is so named because it was originally used to label cell's parents, but it can be used for anything. I will write a tutorial soon using this feature. In short, first you need to agree on a numbering scheme with numbers strictly greater than 0 (e.g. 1 = QC, 2 = epidermis, 3 = ...). Then, assuming you have a labelled mesh, select the "Parents" attribute for visualization. You can then change the current label with the menu "Labels & Selection"->"Change current label..." and select the id of the cells you want to label next. Once all set, select the 2D bucket tool and Alt-Click on the cells you want to assign the current id to. This will all be saved with the mesh and can also be exported to a CSV file using the Mesh process "Save Parents" in the folder "Lineage Tracking".

    Does that help?

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