Orchard 1.10.1

Issue #23 resolved
Jan Gessinger created an issue


thank you for this module. Unfortunately I cant get this plugin work in my Orchard 1.10.1 instance. Is it possible that you release a new working version and push it to the orchard gallery? Would be really great!

Regards Jan

Comments (8)

  1. Jan Gessinger reporter

    I downloaded the latest version from this repository and renamed the folder of the unpacked source to "Proligence.SignalR". The I moved it to the Orchard modules folder, went to the dashboard and tried to enable the module. Then I got an yellow error page with a message about problems with Microsoft.Owin (cant reproduce it again at the moment, so I dont have a screenshot). Afterwards I was not able to run my Orchard instance again and always got the error page "ressource not found", till I disabled the plugin in the orchard console, then Orchard was running again. Then I tried again to enable the plugin and I get the error message in the attachment. There seems to be problems with the SignalR/Microsoft.Owin library if I am right. Maybe conflicts with the Orchard version of Microsoft.Owin? Can you test the plugin on a new Orchard instance and tell me if you get the same problem? Thanks in advance! Unbenannt.JPG

    EDIT: Here is the other error message, when I am in debug mode Unbenannt-1.jpg

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