Inventory switches or got mixed up when switching game modes

Issue #1 resolved
AngieC created an issue

Using RestrictedCreative 2.0f-POSSIBLY-BUGGY CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-947a8e7-17ff1e0 (MC: 1.13.2) (Implementing API version 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

When players who have creative but without bypass perms changes game modes, the inventory and armour swapped. Eg. If they have diamond armour and a few survival stuff in survival mode when they changed to creative they get the red leather armour and creative stuff but when they revert back to survival, their diamond armour and other survival stuff is gone and its replaced with the red leather armour and creative stuff. Sometimes its vice-versa when you keep repeating the game mode several times.

Comments (9)

  1. Hans Kurel repo owner

    I tried to reproduce this, but I couldn't summon any abnormal switches. Do you have any other plugins installed?

  2. AngieC reporter

    Sorry, didn't see your earlier message. We are still having the issue and yes do we have other plugins installed in the server.

    Plugins : BlockThatName, PluginConstructorAPI, BlockLocker, VoidWorld, TeleportRequest, Lift, TuxTwoLib, LongerTimev1, SkinsRestorer, PermissionsBukkit, PrefixManager, mcMMOHorse, CoreProtect, dynmap, RealPing, Spectate, XRayDetector, PacketListenerApi, betterSleeping, WorldBorder, Votifier, ProtocolLib, dynmap-mobs, VotingPlugin, AsyncWorldEdit, NoSpawnChunks, MCGUIControlPluginFreeVersion, BlocksHub, SimpleJail, mcMMO, Vault, Gmlist, MassiveCore, PerWorldInventory, CreativeGates, HolographicDisplays, VillageDefense, MassiveBooks, XP-Deposit, WorldEdit, MassiveHat, Orebfuscator4, Essentials, Citizens, BentoBox, EssentialsChat, Vampire, Dynmap-Citizens2, PlotSquared, WorldGuard, Factions, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsSpawn, Jobs, ScoreboardStats, Multiverse-Core, Sentinel, DiscordSRV, Residence, RFChairs, GriefPrevention, ChestShop, AuthMe, MobArena, MultiWorldMoney, RestrictedCreative

  3. Hans Kurel repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Please remove all other plugins to see if any of them causes the issue. I can't reproduce the problem myself.

  4. AngieC reporter

    Thank you so much! It did resolved the main issue by disabling 'separate-gamemode-inventories' option in PWI configs the suggestion by PWI author. Need to restrict certain commands though like /island, /is and also Plot Squared commands like /plot home, /plot auto, /plot visit so they can't use those commands when in creative from survival world otherwise it is conflicting still some how with different worlds handled by PWI or multiverse

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