help for config

Issue #110 resolved
M_Patate83 created an issue
Hello, I would like some help on a few small details. I looked at the wiki and the config but I can't find any solutions.

1) bone_meal does not make plants grow, can you tell me how to allow this?
2) You can put flower_pot, but nothing to put in them. How to authorize this?
3) How to block all effects on items? ( exemple speed 500 )

Thanks for your help :)

Comments (4)

  1. Hans Kurel repo owner


    1. BONE_MEAL is listed under in the config by default. If you remove it from there, creative players can use bone meal normally again.
    2. FLOWER_POT has the same deal: it’s listed under disable.interacting.on-ground. Beware, though, because once you remove it from that list players can smuggle items into survival mode by placing them into flower pots and removing them in survival mode.
    3. Items with illegal enchantments should be automatically removed if you have confiscate.invalid-items set to true. Is this not working?

  2. M_Patate83 reporter

    Thank’s for your help 🙂
    I think for the bone_meal and the flower_pot this was a bug. I had removed all the items from the list. I just put back "bedrock" and it works. Maybe it doesn't work when the list is empty? In any case it works thank you.

    3) confiscate.invalid-items is set to true .
    Enchanted items are well confiscated. its work.
    But effect item dosen’t work . is it possible to block or remove the effects (example: speed 250) ? thank for you help

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