TNT blockbreak event doesn't trigger on creative blocks

Issue #140 duplicate
Former user created an issue

On RestrictedCreative 2.4.6 Also using coreprotect 19.4 if that matters

How to replicate: place some creative blocks, blow them up with TNT. Write the coreprotect command /co rollback r:10 u:#TNT . (might not work, i have not tested the command)

Compare this to what gets rollbacked when you do the same actions except now with survival blocks.

The creative blocks will not get rollbacked. The block break action is not stored in coreprotect either.

From my reasoning this must be because RestrictedCreative cancels The blockbreak event and that's why coreprotect did not store it. This behavior should also exist in similar plugins; for example prism

Comments (3)

  1. Hjalmar Gunnarsson

    No, and I got the same result with it installed anyways. List of every plugin that I’m using to recreate the issue:

    RestrictedCreative 2.4.6

    CoreProtect 19.4


    I'm using paper-1.16.5-468

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