Incompatibility; EssentialsX /recipe

Issue #144 closed
Former user created an issue

With EssentialsX & RestrictedCreative 2.4.6;

After opening a /recipe <item_name> in creative;

And through some unknown combination of /recipe and /gms;

One of our players reported that they were able to consistently obtain items shown in essx’s recipe screen as tangible survival items.

As a temporary fix, negating the essentials.recipe node in the LuckPerms context of gamemode:creative is enough to prevent this from occurring.

Comments (3)

  1. Hans Kurel repo owner

    I’m going to need step-by-step instructions to reproduce this bug so I could investigate it. Quick searching suggests that EssentialsX has had dupe issues with that command in the past, so I wouldn’t be surprised if my plugin has actually nothing to do with it.

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