Some requests for author

Issue #163 duplicate
Innesity created an issue

Hello there,

I want to ask you, if possible, to update the plugin for 1.17.1 version. I was using this plugin because I didn’t pay attention to “Compatible versions” and didn’t know that this is not yet compatible with 1.17.1(but it’s working, not properly, but still)

Bugs that I found: Players are able to pickup items with gamemode creative from the ground, multiply the hoppers placed (who have blocks in them), and then place multiple times on the ground.

Any ETA for the update? It’s a pain for me and for my players (who wants a good gameplay)!

Best regards,
Stefan Covaci

Comments (2)

  1. Hans Kurel repo owner


    I’m afraid I don’t have any deadlines to give you, but I’m working on it. I’ll keep the bugs you mentioned in mind.

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