RAM usage

Issue #81 resolved
Former user created an issue

This plugin store the full database in the RAM. This is really need?

Comments (4)

  1. Hans Kurel repo owner

    The way this plugin works is by loading all creative block locations into memory (RAM) on startup, so it wouldn’t have to do that later. If there are a lot of blocks, then yes, it can take up a lot of space. They’re removed from the memory when their chunk gets loaded, so it should free up memory as more and more chunks gets loaded.

    This, however, is only a problem for relatively large servers, which should have gigabytes of RAM to spare anyway. The other option would be to connect to an SQL server every time a block is broken, which is just terribly slow (but that’s exactly how some other plugins handle it, unfortunately).

    I can see if there’s a way to use less RAM to store them, but I can’t promise anything. BTW, how many blocks do you have in the database?

  2. Hans Kurel repo owner

    I’ll release an update soon where I’ve made some improvements. Make sure to take your memory measurements before and after the update to compare.

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