Getting a NullReferenceException whenever i insert a clean prefab of Quantum Console

Issue #112 resolved
Jason Meulenhoff created an issue
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
QFSW.QC.QuantumConsole.Initialize () (at Assets/Plugins/QFSW/Quantum Console/Source/QuantumConsole.cs:826)
QFSW.QC.QuantumConsole.Activate (System.Boolean shouldFocus) (at Assets/Plugins/QFSW/Quantum Console/Source/QuantumConsole.cs:852)
QFSW.QC.QuantumConsole.OnEnable () (at Assets/Plugins/QFSW/Quantum Console/Source/QuantumConsole.cs:782)

Using Unity 2020.1.0f, URP

This also happens on the demo scene for me, noticing that a lot of scripts are missing in the prefab

Comments (9)

  1. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    Thanks for contacting me, it appears that your prefab may be corrupt as _consoleInput` is null, which is not the case from my testing

    Can you check the inspector (near the bottom in references) and see if the input is unset? Try re-importing the plugin and see if that helps

    If not, please contact me with a sample project and I will look into it for you further

    Just for context, does this error occur when adding it to the scene or always? Is it otherwise usable?

  2. Jason Meulenhoff reporter

    Hi thank you for the quick response. Currently it looks like

    I actually just installed it from the package manager too weird

  3. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    Do you have the text mesh pro package installed? It looks like all of the broken fields are TMP ones

  4. Jason Meulenhoff reporter

    Damn, I think I accidentally installed the Deprecated AS version instead of the UPM one. Sorry to waste your time!

  5. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    Not a problem, glad we could resolve it! I’ll be closing this issue now, please do get back to me once you’ve had a chance to try it out properly with your thoughts and feedback 🙂

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