Character Limits Imposed by TMP can Cause Issues

Issue #145 new
Miren Bhakta created an issue

This issue relates to issue #143.

TextMeshPro seems to stop rendering text at some point. I have tested a solid block of a repeated about 100,000 times and the break point seems to be at 99,999 characters. However with added color formatting, just like how QC does it, I end up with 2 fewer characters being displayed. The specific formatting was <color=#00FFFF>> </color>

The issue is not super consistent, but it does seem to be centered around being about 100,000 characters.

The issue is also not relevant for most use cases, in fact to see all of the characters without the text area Mask, I have to scroll out so far that the Canvas outline looks about as small as the Camera outline does relative to the Canvas.

Basically the only solution is to virtualize the contents of the text in some fashion.
Either the singular TMPText object can be broken up into multiple objects, or the contents of the singular TMPText object can be changed for every change that occurs. In both of these cases figuring out the Rect math for the mouse scrolling, dragging, and the Scroll Bar will prove to be annoying and complex.

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