(macOS) Beep Sound on key press when Quantum Console is open

Issue #165 closed
Yusuf Ismail repo owner created an issue

Seemingly macOS exclusive bug that causes beeping sounds when Quantum Console is open

Original Report

I'm using the new Input System and the Universal Render Pipeline alongside Quantum Console version 2.5.1 on macOS Big Sur and find that once the Quantum Console prefab has been initialised whenever Quantum Console is open, and sometimes once it's closed again, all key presses cause the EditorApplication.Beep() sound (which is a short beep) to occur. I'm pretty sure this is a bug rather than a feature as I don't remember this happening when I first started using QuantumConsole and it doesn't happen on Windows 10.

There's a simple repro project available [Contact me for link]

Repro steps:

  • Open the Tests_UnityProj unity project in Unity 2021.1.13f1 editor on macOS Big Sur (11.4). Note: This issue does not happen on Windows 10
  • Open the Test scene in the root Assets folder
  • Press Play
  • Notice the 5 second countdown in the Unity log until the QC Console Prefab is instantiated
  • Press some keyboard keys prior to QC instantiation and notice that they do not cause beeps
  • Press some keyboard keys after QC has been instantiated and notice that they cause the beep noise
  • Press escape to close QC and notice that usually (but not always?) this causes the beeps on key presses to stop
  • Press escape again and notice the keys beep again

Comments (5)

  1. Yusuf Ismail reporter

    Original reporter was using an Intel mac and cannot reproduce in WebGL or standalone builds. Only demonstrated in editor

  2. James Westbrook

    I tested this on my mac Big Sur, and it’s very confusing.
    For me, the beeping starts BEFORE QC even comes in. It seems to go away if I click out of QC or any input field, but it seems to come back after a few seconds.

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