[Grammar] Error message contains double negative

Issue #169 resolved
Jim U created an issue


  • a class containing a method attributed with a [Command], and
  • the scene contains no GameObjects with this class,

when the command is typed in QC, an incorrect error message displayed in the QuantomConsole window.

Actual output

No objects of type Input could not be found so the command could not be invoked.

Expected output

No objects of type "Input" could be found so the command could not be invoked.

Passive Voice

Consider expressing the error message using active voice:

Could not invoke command because no discoverable objects of type "Input" exist.

Comments (1)

  1. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    Thanks! I've changed the error message to the following

    Could not invoke the command because no objects of type {typeName} could be found

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