Proposal: Keep showing suggestions after typing double-quote.

Issue #189 resolved
Richard Osborn created an issue

The suggestion system works great! However, there is a small quirk when it comes to suggesting space-separated strings. Space-separated strings need to be enclosed in double-quotes like "Game Object", but typing a double-quote interrupts the suggestions and clears them.

Typing L shows all suggestions with an L inside, but typing "L shows no suggestions.

I notice that typing L and pressing tab will auto complete correctly, e.g. "Level Loader", but this only works if "Level Loader" is the first item in the suggestion list.

e.g. You cannot get "Ship Info Window" onto the line without using the mouse.

Deleting "Info" and instead starting with "Ship" doesn't help because there is a different first suggestion in that case.

Eventually, I need to type "Ship Info Window" (within quotes) but as soon as I type the double-quote, the suggestions disappear.

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