Black Text Color

Issue #48 closed
L created an issue

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I've got a weird bug where the text is all black that occurs sometimes without me even changing the code... not sure how to reproduce this one.

Comments (7)

  1. L reporter

    I've looked into this bug a bit more when it popped up again. When I change the font to anything other than the OfficeCodePro fonts (during runtime), the text colors are fixed... this is really strange.

  2. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    Very odd, Unity version? If you can get a minimal repro I can look into it but as you said, not sure how we would repro something like this

    Does the demo scene work fine for you?

  3. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    If you change the font to something else then change it back does that also fix it or does it stat broken?

  4. L reporter

    2018.3.0f2 Try this:

    Untick the Initialize on Startup and Activate on Startup boxes

    Build & Run

    Start the game in the built executable first and open the console.

    Now start the game in the play editor and open the console.

    Not sure if it'll reproduce it but I think it's a problem with the Unity building process and fonts. If add another text object and use the OfficerCodePro font it'll black too..

  5. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    Oh I see, so it seems to be with the font and not the console since it happens on any other text using that font? I'll look into it and see what I can do, it might be a dodgy cache too

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