QuantumTheme throws object reference exception with stripping

Issue #85 resolved
Hertzole created an issue

When using a Quantum Theme and high stripping, an object reference exception is being thrown when executing any command. As a bonus, this was found after the workaround in this issue was applied.

Comments (4)

  1. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    I’ve tried the demo scene using high stripping and I’m not yet able to reproduce it, do you have any other relevant info that I could use?

  2. Hertzole reporter

    I was able to produce it, but it’s just under some specific circumstances. With the fix regarding code stripping coming in 2.3.1, this will also be fixed. Something in the QFSW.QC assembly got stripped out and caused this error. If you were to remove that line from the link.xml but still having Parsers and Serializers, the error should appear.

  3. Yusuf Ismail repo owner

    After investigating fragment of a build provided by @Hertzole I found two constructors that we’re being stripped in this case. This has now been fixed (even without the link.xml fix) in 2.3.1

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