Return Card not working Homey 2023

Issue #6 resolved
tf created an issue

I think the return card is not working om Homey 2023. However I try to configure this in an advanced flow it doesn’t return any values.

I tried your own example (attached below) to be sure. No luck.

Thanks in advanced.

Comments (32)

  1. arie repo owner

    Perhaps because you have 2 same flowcards When with the same names.

    if you remove the lower trigger, does it work than?

  2. arie repo owner

    Okay, it's not working correctly on the hp2023, i see, i have the same issue.

    i'll look into asap, I hope tomorrow, else this week.

  3. tf reporter

    Hi Arie,

    Too bad it’s a bug in H23 rather than in your app. ;-) The latter one probably would have been addressed far quicker.

    Hopefully Athom will take this bug badly as it is seriously hampering the usability of not only this app, but Advanced Flows in general.

    Thanks for having investigated this bug.

  4. arie repo owner

    Well, Emile’s first reaction was that it is not a bug, but intended behavior.
    I hope the fix it, but it might be that it will not.

    Personally, that means nog migration to HP2023 for me.

    See the link of slack above, and, please leave a message, the more people that let them now this is needed, the better!

  5. tf reporter

    hi Arie,

    I finally pulled the trigger and got me a slack-account for this purpose. How does it work you inviting me into this specific group?


  6. Torsten Sturm

    I'm having the same problem… the return card is not working. Which is bad news, because Advanced Triggers with the return card seems to be only way in Homey to build a flow library of reusable functions with call parameters and return values. Neither advanced flows nor normal HomeyScripts can return values to calling flows.

    Is that by design in Homey? Emile’s reaction seems to lead into this direction.

    Best, Torsten

  7. arie repo owner

    “Is that by design in Homey? Emile’s reaction seems to lead into this direction.”
    Yes it seems like, so perhaps you can also leave a message on the slack that you want it changed. The more people complain about this, the better.

  8. Torsten Sturm

    I don’t have access to the athomcommunity slack workspace… but I have an account on slack…

  9. Torsten Sturm

    since release rc-139, the wait on completion of flows works again… but only for new advanced flows. Already existing flows with StartAdvancedTrigger Card returns immedeately and all tags are empty.
    When I copy the flow cards of an existing flow to a new flow, it works again.

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