Can't get values from homeyscript

Issue #1 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi Arie! After the update to SDK3 I can no longer get (and set?) the values of my variables through Homeyscript. The following example doesn't work anymore. Is it a bug or do I somehow need to update my Homeyscripts?

let BLApp = await Homey.apps.getApp({id:"net.i-dev.betterlogic"}); let myVar = await BLApp.apiGet("/myVar/");

❌ Script Error ⚠️ not_found: Not found: GET /api/app/net.i-dev.betterlogic/myVar/ at /node_modules/athom-api/dist/index.js:1:1247257 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

Best regards Håkan Bergström

Comments (4)

  1. Håkan Bergström

    That’s great! 👍 Looking forward to see what features you might come up with🙂 Personaly I would like a confirm-button before deleting a variable, I’m afraid of clicking the wrong button 😆

  2. arie repo owner

    Hey, i already placed a confirm before the Delete All Button.

    I am right now also implementing one for the single delete button and will push it through in a moment.

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