Error when creating slider

Issue #5 resolved
Henrik Møller created an issue

Hi there

When a new slider is created and connected to a variable created in the Better Logic App I get the error message
dev.getData is not a function
This seems to be on only new sliders my old works fine
Any suggestions to fix this
System info
Homey Early 2016
V 8.08
Iphone 13 IOS 16.1.1 (20B101)

Regards Henrik

Comments (3)

  1. arie repo owner

    Hey Henrik,

    Appareantly, this only happens right after you create a new device.

    Restarting the App would have solved the issue (temp).

    But i have it solved in the latest version: update to 2.1.12 and you will not get this error right after you create a new device.

  2. Henrik Møller reporter

    Hi Arie

    Thanks for the fast reply ! Restart did the magic, ant by the way cool app, thanks

    Regards Henrik

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